Membership matters
Quality matters
PKF International is a member of the Forum of Firms, which promotes consistent and high-quality standards of financial reporting and auditing practices worldwide. Within the PKF network, our member firms have representation at both international and domestic levels by participating in:
• International Professional Standards Committee (IPSC)
• The Global Assurance Strategy Group
• Risk Advisory Services Committee
• North America Assurance Group
Collectively, these groups are charged with monitoring the delivery of high-quality services which mandate compliance with international and local quality standards. All PKF member firms are required to comply with the requirements of the International Professional Standards Manual to ensure a consistent interpretation and application of minimum quality standards. As a member of The Forum of Firms, our commitment and dedication to compliance with quality standards is paramount.
Technical support matters
Members have access to our global Audit & Assurance and Tax teams. This support is provided regionally through specific roles.
• Director of Assurance
• Manager of Quality & Risk
• Director of Tax & Legal
Through these dedicated resources, members have access to compliant audit manuals for consistent quality. Members also have access to our annual international tax guide and quarterly global tax updates.
Staff support matters
All five global regions are supported by Regional Coordinators who help you get the most out of your membership. In addition to dedicated Regional Coordinators, we also provide you with support in Marketing, IT, HR, International Tax and Assurance, Brand and Design and Communications.
Independence matters
To ensure member’s compliance pertaining to their independence, PKF utilizes TREND, (Trans-national Entity Database) which checks for any conflicts across the network. TREND provides information on entities, affiliates and PKF relationships.