PKF Regions
We understand that every firm and every region is different, so we’re structured in a way that best supports their needs and ambition to grow. Our team of Regional Coordinators share this ambition and constantly seek out opportunities for collaboration on a global scale. Regional Boards, elected by our members, provide firms with the opportunity to input into global policy and strategy via the Chairpersons who sit on the Global Board.
“Our Regional Coordinator can connect any one of us to the right person at the right time and has played an instrumental role in setting up the Asia pacific Assurance committee. She has the insights to identify team players and create a magical team dynamic”
- PKF Hadiwinata
“[Silvina's] assistance and dedication to all members within the LATAM region and beyond has made it what it is today.”
- PKF Carpentieri Colmenares & Asociados
We’re ready to help
Get in contact with one of our Regional Coordinators or our Head of Member Support should you need more information on our firms and the services they offer.
Debbie Dell
Africa Co-ordinator
Kieran Taylor
Asia Pacific Senior Co-ordinator
Nisamanee Butchaiya
Asia Pacific Co-ordinator
Silvina Guiguez
Latin America Co-ordinator
Omar Tarawneh
Europe, Middle East & India Co-ordinator
Cheryl Burke
North America Director
Karyn Viveiros
North America Coordinator