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AB Integro

Spain - Malaga

Providing unsurpassed service which adds premium value to our clients

AB-Integro is formed by a group of account auditors with extensive experience and consolidated in Malaga, Seville, Madrid and Cordoba as central offices from where we provide audit services for the Spanish market. We also advise you on everything related to the business field.

Our company, registered in the Accounts Audit Registry, is made up of highly qualified professionals, who work in globally integrated teams, where each person has an extensive knowledge of his own disciplines. The best practices and experiences are shared by the entire organization in a quick and easy way, adapting their knowledge as quickly to the developing market, to offer a service characterized by quality and excellence.

Office Address
AB Integro
Sancha de Lara, 13
1° Dcha
Key Contact
Jose Queipo de Llano
Jose Queipo de Llano
Tel: +34 95 260 1829
Status: Correspondent