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Member Firm

PKF Treuwerk AG - Hannover

Germany - Hannover
Home PKF Firms Europe Middle East and India Germany PKF Treuwerk AG - Hannover

Providing unsurpassed service which adds premium value to our clients

PKF TREUWERK AG (a joint venture between TREUWERK and PKF Fasselt) is based in Hanover and offers a wide range of audit and consulting services.

PKF TREUWERK AG advises banks, insurance companies and financial service providers in the area of governance, risk and compliance (GRC).

It supports businesses by providing the following services:

  • Risk management
  • Sustainable finance
  • Money laundering prevention
  • Securities compliance
  • Regulatory reporting
  • Data protection
  • IT governance
  • Information security
Office Address
PKF Treuwerk AG - Hannover
Alexanderstraße 3a
Key Contact
Christian Müller-Kemler
Christian Müller-Kemler
Tel: +49 203 30001 349
Status: Member